

On June 12, 2016 Centre of Conscious Awareness – Canada hosted a Health and Wellness speaker event where the concerns and symptoms of stress were addressed. With the help of many volunteers, the event was set at S. Walter Stewart Library, Toronto. Jodie Brant, a Toronto Public Health nurse was invited to shared the many ways of preventing and coping with stress.

High levels of stress can cause a lot of anxiety, physical illness such as headaches and stomach ailments. Brant explained the seriousness of untreated stress that can lead to high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes and problems related to heart diseases.

During the workshop, Brant showed the group how stress can cause a number of physical problems. The group was encouraged share their own stress and ways they cope with it. Brant shared flyers and pamphlets with the group that explained healthy living and coping with stress.

To celebrate positive living, Jennie Laws, a talented musician came and shared her music with the group. Bonds and relationships were built over snacks. The Health and Wellness seminar was a success as many left with new knowledge on preventing and coping with stress.