

Le Centre canadien d'expansion de la consciencese se consacre :

À la sensibilisation du public par l’entremise de cours, de séminaires et d’ateliers mettant l’accent sur
l’approche et la méthodologie de méditation intuitive Arka Dhanya

À la sensibilisation du public en ce qui concerne les
bienfaits des pratiques de méditation sur la santé
physique et mentale

Au soutien des organismes caritatifs
canadiens quicontribuent
à remédier à la pauvreté ou à la protection
de l'environnement.

À offrir un programme
de formation d'instructeur
(cours de maîtrise)

« La planète renferme la mémoire du passé, le soleil renferme le futur et les personnes
détiennent le présent » – Srinivas Arka

Notre histoire

Le Centre canadien d’expansion de la conscience est devenu un organisme de charité en juin 2010 et un organisme fédéral à but non lucratif en avril 2009.

L’organisme de charité a été fondé par Srinivas Arka (Mahaguru Yogi Arka) et leur travail demeure inspiré par sa philosophie.


Our Chairman and Founder

Srinivas Arka

Président et fondateur

Srinivas Arka is a World Renowned Philosopher, inspirational speaker and author. He has developed Human Positive Potential Programmes and is a founder of the Centre for Conscious Awareness (CCA) registered charities worldwide.

He is known for his work serving communities around the world. Highly regarded for his lectures, workshops and books, his work has inspired people around the world to explore and develop their intuitive awareness, thus helping them to achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life for themselves and where possible helping those around them.

Nos directeurs

Darren Mankasingh, CBAP®, MBA, MMAI


Darren Mankasingh is the current President of the Centre for Conscious Awareness -Canada and a certified Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation Instructor. He is a consultant and has extensively studied executive management and implements these principles in his career and volunteer work. He has a passion for meditation and how it can improve every aspect of life.

Cindy Mankasingh


Cindy Mankasingh is the current Secretary of the Centre for Conscious Awareness -Canada and a certified Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation Instructor. She holds a Hons. BSc. and currently works with the Government of Canada. She is interested in how meditation can help individuals to discover their potential and grow internally, thereby contributing to the existence of humanity. She loves yoga, meditation, art and walking in nature.

Manesha Parmar


Nita Dani

Raagul Sivacumar