Saturday October 23rd, 2021
at 11:00am EDT
Srinivas Arka
Dr. Fuschia Sirois
Claire Staton
Founder, Centre for Conscious Awareness Global
Ph.D Psychology
Coordinator of Teaching
at University of Sheffield
DPhil Candidate Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics at University of Oxford
Procrastination and
Its Effects
Health Risks of Procrastination and Perfectionism
Tailoring Academic Success Strategies for Neurodiversity
Preventing Procrastination was an event focused on the prevalence of procrastination amongst post-secondary students. Through hearing from three speakers, students and attendees learned what procrastination is, why it happens, and ultimately how to get back on track (before it’s too late)! The event was filled with interactive questions, a kahoot game, and of course an engaging Q&A/Panel Discussion!
Srinivas Arka discussed:
– How can we get over the fear of starting a task?
– How can we be productive while still having time for the pleasures in life?
– Why do we continue to procrastinate despite knowing we are procrastinating?
Dr. Fuschia Sirois discussed:
– What is procrastination and why do people procrastinate (an academic understanding)
– Is procrastination an issue of time management or emotional dysregulation?
– Is there a difference between procrastination and perfectionism?
– Solutions (e.g., coping skills and resources)
Claire Staton discussed:
– Her personal experience with procrastination as a Clarendon scholarship recipient (e.g., what she wish she knew about procrastination, study strategies that worked best for her)
– What is neurodiversity and how can we tailor academic strategies for it?
– How to determine which study strategies that will work for you?
Procrastination and Its Effects
Srinivas Arka, a world-renowned author, teacher and philosopher, has inspired countless thousands of us to explore and develop our own intuitive awareness. Through his methods, we achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life while at the same time helping those around us through increased empathy and understanding. He is founder of Centres for Conscious Awareness (CCAs), a constellation of registered charitable organisation around the globe, that actively study and research the structure and nature of human consciousness, its potential, and its extent, including its relationship with the external world.
His work is based on deepening the heart-based Intuitive Conscious Awareness. He teaches us that, by tapping into the potential of feeling and the resource of emotion, a shift of consciousness occurs from the mind to the heart.
Srinivas Arka
Founder, Centre for Conscious Awareness Global
Dr. Fuschia Sirois
Ph.D Psychology
Coordinator of Teaching
at University of Sheffield
Health Risks of Procrastination and Perfectionism
Fuschia Sirois, PhD, is a Reader in Health and Social Psychology at the University of Sheffield, and a former Canada Research Chair in Health and Well-being.
Dr Sirois’ research focuses on the factors that create risk and resilience for health and well-being through their links to self-regulation (how we manage and direct our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours to reach our goals). For over 20 years she has researched the causes and consequences of procrastination, and in particular the health consequences of procrastination, as well as how emotions play a key role in explaining why people procrastinate.
She has authored over a 100 peer-reviewed journal papers, over 200 conference papers, and edited two books. Her research has been funded by a number of national funding agencies including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada, The Economic and Social Research Council (UK), and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK).
In this presentation be prepared to learn what procrastination is and is not!
Tailoring Academic Success Strategies for Neurodiversity
Claire is interested in the role of cell communication, specifically mediated by nano-sized particles known as extracellular vesicles in human disease including neurodegeneration and cancer. Claire holds a BSc in Honours Cell and Molecular Biology (co-op) from Concordia University where she graduated as the highest-ranking BSc student and as an Arts and Science Scholar. Initially, she investigated the role of EVs in the cellular heat stress response with an NSERC USRA grant. Now, she will study their role in colorectal cancer working to understand their fundamental biology as a first step towards developing potential therapeutics. Claire is passionate about dancing, mental health advocacy, and working to make academia accessible by promoting and teaching alternative learning strategies.
Claire Staton (she/her)
DPhil Candidate Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics at University of Oxford
Our Partners
The University of Toronto Mental Health Student Association (UOFTMHA) is a student-run club established in 2016 that focuses on breaking the stigma surrounding mental health and empowering students through their mental health journeys, while also practicing diversity, equity & inclusion. We attempt to look at mental health from a different perspective, showcasing more than just the clinical aspect but also healthy mind, healthy body lifestyle and resources. The purpose of this association is to promote and educate staff and students on the significance of mental health around the University of Toronto campus. We strive to promote healthy coping mechanisms to anyone struggling with their mental health, and to offer an outlet in the community to help others face these issues. We hope to achieve this by actively hosting meetings and seminars, providing advocacy to any interested individuals, as well as helping to host and create interactive workshops and activities around mid-term and exam seasons.
“Breaking Stigma By Creating Unity” is a chapter run by students at Lakehead University. is a nonprofit Canadian organization that focuses on mental health education, awareness, and stigma reduction, with a focus on youth, through the use of a peer to peer model. Some of the ways our chapter accomplishes these goals are by hosting countless events, talks and most recently, our four day mental health summit, packed with 11 informative presentations by mental health advocates in the Thunder Bay community. The chapter continues to work hard to provide our community with the best possible access to mental health services as well as reducing the stigma surrounding mental health and mental illness. Current projects include increasing awareness of the student mental health services available on our LU campus and creating a local mental health services hub.
Bons Vivants means people with refined taste who simply enjoy life and nice things! It is the French word for tastemaker. Studio Bons Vivants is a Montreal-based brand of scented soy candles in creative shapes and scents. All the designs are vegan, cruelty free and handmade in small batches by a woman entrepreneur. Mindful and eco friendly designs to lift your mood.