November 18th, 2023
1:00pm EST
Join us for an online youth mental health event featuring expert speakers, interactive activities, and peer networking.
All are welcome.
Admission Fee Waived.
“Train the body mechanically, tame the mind logically and nurse the heart emotionally.”
~Srinivas Arka
Elizabeth Webster, Event Co-ordinator and Amelia Nicholls, Marketing Specialist, organized a youth event to bring knowledge and awareness on the how youth can improve their physical, mental and emotional health.
Dr. Katie Shillington, PHD began the event presentations by sharing her research:
Kindness, Compassion, and Belonging: An Inclusive Approach to Promote Positive Mental Health Among University Students. Katie discussed some of the Common sources of stress, the importance of belonging, compassion, kindness. Kindness increases: Love Hormone, Energy, Happiness, Lifespan, Pleasure and Serotonin. Kindness decreases: Pain, Stress, Anxiety, Depression and Blood pressure.
Kelsey Russell-Murray, RD shared her presentation on: The Impact of Nutrition – On Physical,
Mental and Emotional Health. Kelsey discussed: How to fuel for a busy day on campus, Tips for eating on a budget, How to balance meals on and off-campus, Easy meal prep and snack ideas, Managing digestive symptoms, Nutrition for mental health and Western University Dietitian services on campus.
Srinivas Arka recorded a video for the event where he answered the following questions:
1. What is the relationship between physical well-being and academic performance in students?
2. Can there be a conflict between pursuing academic excellence and maintaining emotional balance?
3. How does the current education system contribute to or alleviate stress and mental health challenges among students?
Abigail Gallimore and Rovena Caster from University of Alberta and Step Up Yeg gave a presentation on the amazing community work that they are doing in Edmonton, Alberta.
Adrian Mirzoyan from University of Western Exercise in Medicine, the main partner for the event, shared the work of the club to promote physical activity for chronic disease prevention and enhance Canadians’ health, while fostering a healthier campus environment at Western.
The event completed with a competitive Kahoot! Contest.
A Thank you to partners and supporters for helping to promote the event:
Exercise is Medicine
Ottawa’s Official Pre-Pharmacy Club
Concordia University
Jack.org Laurentian
Uof G STEM Relief Club
Youth Helping Youth BC
Toronto Metropolitan Student for Mental Awareness, Support, & Health
Western Women in Leadership
The Grove University of Guelph
Jack.org-Loyalist College Mental Health Advocates in the Loyalist/Belleville
Resources Intervention Safe Space Jack.org chapter
The Well Community Collective
Western Women’s Football
Seen In Guelph
University Health Club
University of Ottawa Pre-Law Society
Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities
Step Up Yeg
The Neighbourhood Group (TNG) Community
Western University Women in Computer Science
Jack.Org Alexia
Guelph Arts Council
University of Toronto Inclusive Communities Canada
Newcome Youth Program
Lumenus Community Services
CICS Immigrant Youth Centre
YMCA of Southwestern Ontario
Agincourt Community Services Association
West Toronto Youth Hub
Plantish: Eco Essentials + Gifts
Schizophrenia Society of York
Undergraduate Psychology Student Association York University
Exercise is Medicine
Western University
Ottawa’s Official
Pre-Pharmacy Club
Undergraduate Psychology Association
Laurentian University
STEM Reflief Club
University of Guelph
Youth Helping
Youth BC
Med Games