


Intuitive Meditation for Better Mental Health

Our last positive living event of 2020 focused on seniors’ mental health and meditation.

Darren Mankasingh, MBA, Researcher, presented on the current research related to seniors’ mental health and meditation.


He discussed the following:

* What are the major mental health issues facing seniors (Pre-COVID-19 pandemic)?

* Spotlight on: Older Immigrants and Mental Health

* What are the major mental health issues facing seniors (During COVID-19 pandemic)?

* Does the practice of meditation help with the identified mental health issues?

Here is the presentation from the event.

We also enjoyed a group participation of Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation and played the following introduction video on the method:

“You cannot control the mind, but you can tame it with patience. Then it performs wonders.”
– Srinivas Arka Founder of CCA Globally

Based on current research, what are the major mental health issues facing seniors?
Does current research show that meditation practice can help with mental health issues?
Practical experience of Intuitive Meditation.

Sunday December 13, 2020

This is an online only webinar

Time: 2:00pm to 3:30pm EDT

Supported by the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund and Durham Community Foundation

Admission Fee Waived.