This Positive Living Series event focused on Depression – a serious growing concern in modern times. How to recognize and respond with a more constructive positive approach. Srinivas Arka, Charity founder CCA Global, expanded on this topic in an energy filled talk.
“Depression is a the term that is referenced in many different ways. In economics, you call it a depression, when there is a recession – a financial depression. There is depression in weather. Depression can be understood as something pressing down, suppressing your lively expression, as something that holds you down and is not allowing you to progress. We see something unexciting, have dull feelings, feel life is monotonous and not colourful. We can undergo that mood disorder, the darker days of emotion. It can happen anyone, at anytime, but we have to overcome it. We can see in our atmosphere that there are different seasons, including dark winters, heavy storms, but nature has placed everything so well. We will overcome, but we need to develop patience and meaningful hope. We need to be positive and even try to see something good in it. If we can develop that constructive positive attitude that under any circumstance there must be something meaningful here.
When we go with that positive tunefulness, we see the meaning emerging, the constructive meaning emerging, then we feel elated because there is something to look forward to.”
A question and answer session followed that touched on various issues, including how parents can communicate with the younger “millennial” generation .
“Parents are failing to advise their own children and bring them to the path of realization. When something is not working, you have to change your direction. What parents normally do is they keep on saying the same thing to the children again and again. The children get bored and they rebel. Everyone has a coded language apart from the language we normally communicate with. You have to speak in the language where they would welcome your idea or suggestion.
My approach to this problem is to change your tone, change your tuning and find different circumstances to speak with them. Become their friends rather than being parents. Take out the judgement. If you judge, then they will not want to hear you. Give them assurance not in words but with your actions, with your conduct, with your vibrations that you are really going to listen to them.”
We then enjoyed a scrumptious North Indian buffet dinner. The event was beautifully guided by Master of Ceremonies, Julia Granada.
Join us for an evening with Srinivas Arka, founder of CCA Global to discuss the relative effects of depression on body and mind.
Sunday January 26th, 2020 4:30PM
Woodbine Banquet & Convention Centre
South Hall
30 Vice Regent Blvd
Toronto ON
M9W 7A4
Dinner to be served at 6:30PM
Formal dress code
RSVP by January 24th, 2020 at
(416) 997-5531
Please leave a voicemail with your name and call back number.
CCA has been established in Canada, USA, UK, Spain and Australia.