11:00 am EDT
Srinivas Arka shared his insights on understanding anxiety and how it can lead to panic attacks.
“When physical remedies fail, physical plans fail or you don’t see much help, then you have to take refuge in your heart, in your spiritual realm, there you find peace.”
We should say to ourselves:
“Calm down. Nothing is happening. It’s illusion that is bothering me. In truth, I am safe, I am good.”
Arka shared that in eastern part of the world, Shantih mantra is taught which brings peace.
He demonstrated sound energy of Saaroogovaum and Om and how this helps to refresh our energy in the same manner as our breath is refreshed.
He offered some simple practical tips when you are feeling anxious, such as drinking a bit of water, taking a deep, slow breathe. Singing Shantih can help bring peace to your mind. Shantih can be said 3 times: once for our mind, once for your body and once for your soul.
To celebrate the end of Seniors Empowerment program, Roya Zakeri, Violinist Royal Conservatory of Music gave 3 beautiful performances:
1. Concertino in G Major
2. Tambourin
3. The farmer market
“Fear does not further anyone’s existence. Progress comes from courage, keeps our nerves strong and increases our energy in time of need.”
~ Srinivas Arka, Founder CCA Worldwide Charities