Learn simple, practical exercises to improve your mobility
11:00 am EST
Laura Surman, FIS, OAS, Program Coordinator at Active Adult Centre of Mississauga, promoted
practicing regular exercises in our daily life. She shared the benefits are: better sleep, stronger
bones and muscles, more energy, chance to socialize, weight control, improves memory, makes
moving easier and less painful.
She discussed and demonstrated the following exercises:
1. Types of movement
2. Easy Warm-up
3. Leg Workout
4. Seated Ab Work
5. Ankle Work
6. Seated spine stretch
7. Sciatica stretch
8. Tibialis & Quad stretch
9. Calf & Hamstrings
10. Big Back Five
Here are handouts detailing exercises:
“We become alien to ourselves when we are artificial. When we are natural, we become everything that belongs to nature.”
~ Srinivas Arka, Founder CCA Worldwide Charities