Let us all celebrate this milestone
Ten years ago on June 21, 2010 the Centre for Conscious Awareness – Canada (CCA-Canada) was granted charitable status in Canada. It became the first registered charity to teach non-religious meditation in Canada.
Now more than ever, we send our gratitude to the founder of CCA Canada, Srinivas Arka, for establishing this charity and developing Arka Dhyana Intuitive Meditation which is helping us all during these times. We extend our deepest gratitude to all those who have been the pillars of CCA-Canada even before it’s formal organizational set-up. Thanks to all those who have served, volunteered, shared their time, smiles, hearts, efforts and provided support, encouragement and good wishes – all of which have brought us to the present moment.
Warm regards,
CCA-Canada Directors:
Darren Mankasingh, President
Cindy Mankasingh, Secretary
Manesha Parmar, Treasurer
Nita Dani.
November 10, 2019
November 25, 2018
For comments, feedback or if you wish to volunteer, please contact us.
info@canadacca.ca or (416) 997-5531. You can also donate below.